The “real” inspiration

Pooja Gada
2 min readJun 12, 2016

Okay, the title is definitely deceiving, it was actually meant to be :-). I was recently watching few videos from a youtube channel which ranked characters from various tv series.

It got me thinking, each one of us, have had this time in our life, where we relied on a fictional tv characters for inspiration. Here is a fun compilation of my favorite characters:

Christina Yang, Grey’s Anatomy: If you’ve watched Grey’s anatomy, there are few characters who absolutely stand out in the crowd. Christina is one among them. The thing that is totally kick ass about Christina is her — say what you want, i am gonna get what i want — attitude. Christina has definitely given us a lot of quotes to remember her by. Here are few noteworthy ones:

“Oh, screw beautiful. I’m brilliant. If you want to appease me, compliment my brain.”

“Pretty good is not enough, i wanna be great.”

“Being aware of your crap, and actually overcoming your crap are two very different things.”

“If you want crappy things to stop happening to you, then stop accepting crap and demand something more.”

Nuf said, Christina definitely comes out top on my list.

Christopher Turk, Scrubs: Lets be honest. Each one of us, who has watched scrubs, wants a friend like turk. He is cute, charming, smart, and is a perfect partner in crime for JD. And one cannot not talk about those cool dance moves turk shows around:

Here’s the compilation of turks adventures:

“You don’t want to be a surgeon, Cole, it’s boring and it sucks. It’s the complete opposite of a water slide.”

“Look, man, we all have those bleak moments where we swear we’ll never bounce back. Like when I was seventeen, my mom walked in my room with a look that I had never seen. She said, “it’s over Turk… Michael Jordan’s career is over.”

Who said you cannot be smart, humble and a ton of fun.

Bertram Gilfoyle, Silicon Valley: Even though silicon valley is a relatively new show, you got to admit. Gilfoyle is a pretty fun character. You might ask how Gilfoyle fits into the whole inspiration part. Well, sometimes when you’re venture ends up facing unexpected roadblocks, finding humor in the most monotonous parts of life can be pretty damn soothing.

Gilfoyle time:

“Its not magic. Its talent and sweat.”

“Do i be honest or nice.”

